Expected Learning Outcomes from Thesis of Local Development Course through Cultural Capital with Research-based Learning Skill

Kittanut Yanpisit
Bharamee Langkulanont
Keywords: Innovation for Local Development Course, Social Development, Research-based Learning Skills
Published: Sep 29, 2023


The research aims to study the learning outcomes from Thesis of Local Development course in accordance with the expected learning outcome for standards of the curriculum with evaluation of the outcomes-based learning activities implemented for Bachelor of Arts in Innovation for Local Development (the year 2017 Developed Program/ Curriculum), in academic year of the 2021. The qualitative research was designed to apply for purposive samplings with 10 students, 3 community representatives and 3 university lecturers. The field methodological tools were used such as; structural interview guidelines, rating scales by percentage, mean and standard deviation-SD was processed in data analyzing to show the findings. The findings revealed that research-based learning activity of Thesis of Local Development course produced learning outcomes consistency of 5 expected learning standards of the curriculum. Students’ skills development was shown in a ‘Great’ level, particularly interpersonal skills and self-responsibility. The required improvement aspects are numerical analysis skills, communication, and Information Technology-IT and in English Communication Proficiency. Research-based learning-RBL using Thesis for Local Development course builds satisfaction for stakeholders in a ‘Great’ level. The overall evaluation results from the RBL activities of Thesis for Local Development course meet expected learning standards outcomes, and all stakeholders are satisfied with the instruction process on learning skills.


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How to Cite

Yanpisit, K., & Langkulanont, B. (2023). Expected Learning Outcomes from Thesis of Local Development Course through Cultural Capital with Research-based Learning Skill. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 12(2), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.14456/acj.2023.7


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Kulnasathian, N. (Interviewee). Yanpisit, K. (Interviewer). At Kalasin University, Muang District, Kalasin Thailand, 46000. 30 March 2022.

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