Lao Literature “The Same Blood” : A Study According to the Postcolonialism
This article aims to study the history of Laos in the colonial and post-colonial eras and to study Lao literature with a post-colonial concept by choosing to study the literature “Same Blood”, which is a translated literary work in the form of a novel written by Duangxay Luangphasi, which received the award for Best Creative Literature of ASEAN in Laos or the S.E.A. Write Award, year 2012, to understand the conditions of Lao society at that time Including the ideas that the writer wants to convey through literary texts. The results of the study found that 1) Studying the history of Laos in the colonial and post-colonial eras gives information about the history of Laos. From the era when France invaded and annexed Laos. Come joined the kingdom collectively called “French Indochina” and ruled Laos as a colony for many years. France was later defeated by the Viet Minh. Therefore, it shook French power until it allowed Laos to declare partial independence in 1949 and gained complete independence in 1953. On December 2, 1975, there was a change of regime from the Raj. The Lao Kingdom has been ruled by a socialist and communist regime called “Lao People's Democratic Republic” since then and 2) the study of Lao literature with a post-colonial concept. It was found that the author reflected on the idea of a country that was once colonized by war and oppression. Through the literary text of the novel, there are 6 themes: war causes loss and separation; War comes with brutality. War causes suffering to the invaded. War causes killing and destruction among human beings. War creates love and compassion for one another and war creates unity and patriotism. This is to show the hardships of the Lao people at that time and to honor the heroic fighting to save the nation of the Lao people during that period. Before becoming the independent country of Laos today.
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