Development of Reading Comprehension Ability by Using the 6-Steps Ladder Technique of Mattayomsuksa 1 Students at Ban Donduea School, Sangkhom District, Udon Thani Province

Suwipongsakorn Posara
Soraya Wimonsathitphong
Keywords: Reading Comprehension, 6-Steps Ladder Technique
Published: Sep 9, 2024


This research aimed to:  1) Identify the efficiency of the reading comprehension ability of Mattayomsuksa 1 students using the 6-step ladder learning management process efficiently according to the 80/ 80 criterion. 2) Compare the learning outcomes in reading comprehension using the 6-step ladder learning management process among Mattayomsuksa 1 students before and after the study. The sample group comprised 17 Mattayomsuksa 1 students from Ban Don Duea School. Research tools included the 5 learning management plans on reading comprehension using the 6-step ladder technique within 5 hours and the performance measurement tests on reading comprehension. Data analysis utilized percentages, means, standard deviations, and content analysis. The research found that 1) the reading comprehension ability of Mattayomsuksa 1 students using the 6-step ladder technique was efficient, with a score of 84.71/ 82.35, exceeding the specified criterion. 2) The learning outcomes in the Thai language subject, specifically in reading comprehension using the 6-step ladder technique among Mattayomsuksa 1 students, showed significantly higher post-study scores compared to pre-study scores at a statistical significance level of .05.


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How to Cite

Posara, S., & Wimonsathitphong, S. (2024). Development of Reading Comprehension Ability by Using the 6-Steps Ladder Technique of Mattayomsuksa 1 Students at Ban Donduea School, Sangkhom District, Udon Thani Province. Arts and Culture Journal of the Lower Moon River, 13(3), 1–13.


Research Articles



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