Studying Perception of Surin Local Food Cultural of Students at Surindra Rajabhat University
Surin province is one of the charming province, which shows the variety of local cultural food due to the variety of ethnic groups and the diversity of local food within the group. The research aimed to 1. study the perception of local food culture at Surin province of students at Surindra Rajabhat University, 2. To compare different personal factors affected with the perception of local food culture in Surin province and 3. To compare different consumer behavior of local food culture in Surin province affected with the perception. The sample was 377 students who collected by accidental sampling. They were undergraduate students at Surindra Rajabhat University. They enrolled in the second-semester academic year of 2021, using the questionnaire and statistical analysis by mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-Way ANOVA. The results found a great perception of local food culture in Surin province of students at Surindra Rajabhat University in total. The comparison of personal factors found that different sex and birthplace showed the perception of local food culture in Surin province was different significant at the 0.05 level. The comparison of consumer behavior of local food culture in Surin province found the difference in eating habits, used to cook, and used to sell showed the perception of local food culture in Surin province was different significant at the 0.05 level.
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