Results of Governmental Vehicular Accident Prevention Polices During New Year Holidays After The Establishment of a Road Safety Center: A Case Study of Metropolitan Police Division 2
Road accident prevention, Metropolitan Police Division 2, Road safety center, Automobile safety, Vehicles.Abstract
This research studied the results of governmental vehicular accident prevention policies during the New Year holiday after the establishment of a road safety center in 2003 through a case study of Metropolitan Police Division 2. The purpose was to examine the outcome of governmental policies to prevent and reduce road accidents by the road safety center as well as accident prevention and reduction measures by the road safety center. In addition, stakeholder viewpoints on accident prevention and reduction measures during the New Year were evaluated, and development advice formulated to further reduce road accidents. Qualitative research was done with data obtained for analysis from research papers and in-depth interviews. Results:
1. Four factors influenced government policy implementation for preventing and reducing road accidents by the road safety center: people, vehicles, roads and environment. Good vehicular and road conditions, careful drivers, and avoidance of alcoholic beverages were essential accident preventive factors.
2. Measures to prevent and reduce road accidents by the road safety center included building a partnership network to educate drivers about cars, roads, and potential dangers if laws are flouted, to encourage law-abiding behavior.
3. Stakeholder viewpoints on measures to prevent and reduce road accidents during the New Year season include restricted driving, abstinence from alcoholic beverages and awareness of related risks, verifying the condition of automobiles to ensure they are in good working condition, and resolve road condition and traffic light issues in different areas. In addition, police officers should constantly check traffic conditions to boost driver convenience and safety for those who must travel regionally during the holiday.
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Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University