A Study on Errors in Writing English of English Major Students, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University

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Sukonthip Tianchaipana
Sumitra Deelert
Suwanan Thong-in
Samran Mejang


The purpose of this research was to study errors in English Writing of English Major Students, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University. The samples of this research were 30 third-year students in the English major of the academic year 2021. The research instruments were a checklist and a rating scale which were analyzed by finding percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The research finding was followed: 1) In terms of the basic knowledge in English, it was found that proficiency in English writing and basic knowledge of English reference writing at a moderate level. 2) In terms of writing errors in English, it was found that
the short time causes students to worry about uncompleted writing on time, and concerns about English grammar at a high level. 3) In term of the attitude towards English writing, it was found that students liked to write English essays at a moderate level. These three aspects were the factors that make mistakes in English writing.

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How to Cite
Tianchaipana, S., Deelert, S., Thong-in, S., & Mejang, S. (2021). A Study on Errors in Writing English of English Major Students, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(2), 1–12. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO-J/article/view/1034
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