Needs of Self-Development of Staff of Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University
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The purpose of this research was to study the needs for self-improvement and self-improvement methods of the staff of the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University. It was quantitative research with a population of 28 people. Questionnaires
were used to collect data, which was then analyzed using percentage mean and standard deviation. The results of the research found that: 1) In general knowledge, it was found that there was a level of need to increase English language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing (mean=4.25, standard deviation=0.74) and an increase in user skills for Photoshop programs (mean=4.25, standard deviation=0.78). 2) A personal aspect that was discovered to have a level of need to improve skills in developing a positive attitude toward work, enhancement of skills to develop appropriate dress and enhance physical development skills for the best shape (mean=4.29, standard deviation=0.80). 3) Continuing education, it was found that the highest level of need for the office to support full-time study leave (mean=4.11, standard deviation=0.90). 4) In terms of training/study trips, it was
found that the level of need for knowledge training about the assigned position (mean=4.50 standard deviation=0.68) and training on new technology knowledge (mean=4.50 standard deviation =0.63). 5) Other development needs include conducting
research in institutes or faculties for self-development and organizational development, as well as developing modern technology in service skills for students or outside personnel who use the service in terms of increasing work efficiency and collaborating within the organization.
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Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
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