Morality and ethics in educational teaching and learning
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This article aims to study “Morality and ethics in educational teaching and learning" found that instilling morals and ethics in children. In order to cultivate the habit of mental and intellectual development of learners according to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand under Section 73 and Section 8 by emphasizing the learner as the center, appropriate and consistent with sustainable economic and social development of the country. There are courses, lessons, of course, methods of cultivating. relay method and systematic evaluation methods with the characteristics and concepts of morality and ethics in the development of
moral ethics, methods of cultivating morals teaching and learning management, teaching location, learner activities, teaching evaluation, communication with learners, learner development, and student problem solving with moral values and ethics in teaching and learning objectives and subjective education; and moral values and ethics in naturalism. according to the criteria to judge by looking at the source and diagnosed by looking at the effects associated with the behavior In order to develop learners or students To have a good heart and strong willpower to develop yourself, not to underestimate the educational process
which is the foundation for human development because education is the heart of human development to have prosperity that makes people know how to think, know how to do, know how to solve problems In setting a life that focuses on learners to know how to create morals and ethics for themselves.
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Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
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