Comparison of political ideas Political movements and demands of students and intellectuals: a comparative case study of events of 14 October 1973 and May 1992.

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Worarak Pothong
Sawitree Sodsee
Sudarat Phetdee
Patcharamon Tosurat


       This article aims to compare the political movements of students and intellectualsduring the events of October 14, 1973 and the events of Tamil May 1992, which were studied in 2 aspects: 1) political ideas and 2) Political movements and student demands.
The results of the study found that 1) in terms of political ideas, both events had the same needs, i.e. students and intellectuals wanted a prime minister who was not from a coup 2) on political movements and violence by students and intellectuals in incident 14. October 1973 protesters A group of 100 students and intellectuals were signed for autographs demanding that Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn's government promulgated a permanent constitution within six months by persuading students of Thammasat University to stop taking the exams and rally to protest and called on other institutions to cooperate. As for the May 1992 incident, people burned down the Nang Loeng police station and started anti-government protests by motorcycle groups in many areas in Bangkok. Therefore, the author would like to reflect on the political participation of students and intellectuals as well as the people who want to call for true democracy, that is, democracy of the people and for the people.

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How to Cite
Pothong, W., Sodsee, S. ., Phetdee, S., & Tosurat, P. (2021). Comparison of political ideas Political movements and demands of students and intellectuals: a comparative case study of events of 14 October 1973 and May 1992. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(2), 107–119. retrieved from
Academic Article


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