Tourism Activities for Creative Learning in the Royal Initiative Projects in Phetchaburi Province

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Wannawee BoonKhum
Vichit Imarom
Rome Wongprasert
Kanit Kheovichai


This paper presents the findings on tourism activity for creative learning in the Royal Initiative Projects in Phetchaburi Province. The research aimed to
1) study creative learning activities in the Royal Initiative Projects in Phetchaburi Province, and 2) find suggestions for tourism development of creative learning in the Royal Initiative Projects in Petchaburi Province. Qualitative data were collected through fieldwork, documentary analysis, and in-depth interview. Key informants of the study were 20 tourists and 5 people who were related to tourism in the area, a total of 25 people. The findings revealed that: 1) creative learning activities in the Royal Initiative Projects in Phetchaburi Province were various activities including agricultural learning activities such as economic crop, cultivation demonstration, vegetable garden, animal farms, processing of agricultural products, learning activities according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, activities to conserve natural resources and environments such as water conservation, soil conservation, mangrove forests, and electric power generation; 2) the suggestions for tourism development of creative learning in the Royal Initiative Projects were: building knowledge and understanding of safety standards in tourist attractions for tourists and communities as well as relevant officials, increasing public relations relating organizations to introduce the tourist attractions to the tourists, especially foreign tourists through various communications channels, encouraging more learning activities and experiences for tourists in order to increase satisfaction, allowing more participation in tourism management from the communities.

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How to Cite
BoonKhum, W., Imarom, V., Wongprasert, R., & Kheovichai, K. (2023). Tourism Activities for Creative Learning in the Royal Initiative Projects in Phetchaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 13(2), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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