Pridi Banomyong's Yellow Book and the Socialism concept

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Pattaraporn Puangcharuenchai
Ratchanon Meebangsai
Warathep Thongsuk
Saowalak Phanumas
Pinthakorn Namdee


       Academic Papers on Pridi Banomyong's Yellow Book and the Socialism concept objective is to study the socialist concept of Pridi Banomyong which appears in the document entitled. The outline of the National Economic Project, popularly known as "Yellow Book" by collecting both primary and secondary source. The results of the study revealed that Pridi Banomyong's socialism, which appears in the yellow book, has a blendof socialism, an approach to action based on compromise.
        However, the yellow book or economic projection has created a conflict between the conservative elite and the progressive elite. The communists later, even Pridi Banomyong will inform that the yellow book that he has prepared does not look like The Communists only adhered to principles that aimed at people's well- being, but it didn't work. Finally, the outline of Pridi Banomyong's National Economic Programmed or Yellow Book. was not enforced by the government at that time while Pridi Banomyong and his family were forced to seek political asylum by traveling abroad for a period of time. 

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How to Cite
Puangcharuenchai, P., Meebangsai, R., Thongsuk, W., Phanumas, S., & Namdee, P. (2022). Pridi Banomyong’s Yellow Book and the Socialism concept. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 11(1), 93–103. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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