The Development of Model to the Participatory Management of Sub-district: Case Study of Chom Bueng Subdistrict Administrative Organization Chom Bueng District, Ratchaburi Province

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Chalongboon Panglum
Theerasak Lelapattana
Peerapat Pansiri


The research The development of model to the participatory management of sub-district: case study of Chom Bueng Subdistrict administrative organization Chom Bueng District, Ratchaburi Province has a purpose to study the problems and give the suggestions of the participatory management in the litigant networks’ cooperation with Rajabhat Nakhon-Pathom University. This research is the qualitative research the target population of research were the leaders of community, village headman (Kam-Nun), headman (Poo-Yai-Baan), directly related officers, the people with disputes total amount 10 persons. The tools of this research composed of questionnaires. The questions and problems working of the officers who having the relative with disputes settlement, reconciliation or disputes resolution in community resulted from the participation of people in their community: this research have faced the 3 problems 1) problem from working, it revealed that the working to disputes settlement used too long time and caused the delay for justice and that the research showed that it had no law to give a power to the administrative officers on the law enforcement 2)problem from personnel, it revealed that it had no enough personnel for working including of even no knowledge or experience. 3) problem from budget and resources, it revealed that it had no any budget for inviting related department dealing with disputes settlement meanwhile the disbursement have also delayed.

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How to Cite
Panglum, C., Lelapattana, T., & Pansiri , P. . (2023). The Development of Model to the Participatory Management of Sub-district: Case Study of Chom Bueng Subdistrict Administrative Organization Chom Bueng District, Ratchaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 13(1), 85–101. Retrieved from
Research Article


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