AROCA Model of Teaching for Citizenship in Junior High Schools
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This research aimed to create the model of teaching for citizenship in junior high schools, and to study the results of the model of teaching for citizenship in junior high schools. The sample group used in this research consisted of three social studies teachers from Sacred Heart College and collected from 72 students from 3 classrooms studying in grade 9 of this school. The research instruments were the model of Teaching for citizenship in junior high schools, and the evaluation of citizenship skills for junior high school students. The data analysis consisted of percentage, means, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The research results demonstrated that:
1. The developed model of teaching for citizenship for junior high schools was called “AROCA Model.” Its elements were 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) instructional processes, 4) the measurement and evaluation, 5) the conditions of using social studies, 6) core concepts, 7) social system, 8) response principles, and 9) learning supports. There were 5 steps of the instructional process, including awareness: A, reflection and discussion: R, organizing knowledge: O, construction and communication: C and application: A steps. The overall elements of the model, together with the manual of using the model of teaching for citizenship in junior high schools were appropriate at the high level.
2. The skills of citizenship in junior high schools overall were at the medium level.
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Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
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