An Adjusting of Kwan Napha Brass Band in Today's Thai Society

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Worachin Mungkung
Sarawut Wiwan
Therdpong Wan-nawong


          Kwan Napha brass band is a folk music band that has been passed down from generation to generation, from one group of people to another group of people, through the oral learning process, through the memories, or through the direct experience in their practice, until it has become a social cultural heritage that related to the way of life of local people that creates lots of entertainment and fun atmosphere at the event. However, because of social conditions and values changing, the band also need to adjust themselves to today’s society, such as adjusting people in the band to have similar attitude or point of view to love and be united each other, changing the way of playing and various songs to appropriated form of performance to create empirical works accepted by people in society, by using social media to widely publicize the work. The adjusting to Thai society in various issues would help Kwan Napha brass band to continue their exist and serve to the local society.

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How to Cite
Mungkung, W., Wiwan , S., & Wan-nawong, T. . (2024). An Adjusting of Kwan Napha Brass Band in Today’s Thai Society. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 14(3), 89–102. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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