Project-based Learning Usage in Teaching Reading

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Chuanpit Attanatra
Jirasupa Plongthong
Panya Thongnin


          This article aimed to study Project-based Learning’s definitions, characteristic, types, steps, teacher’s role, and assessment and evaluation. Learners will enhance their reading skill better, they have to act and practice to achieve reading goal. Project-based Learning provided activities that activate learners’ interest in reading, enhance knowledge through practice and collaboration in which teacher prepared reading activities and chances for learners to choose their learning process and search from various sources. According to the study above, applying PBL in teaching reading include Step 1: Creating Atmosphere, Step 2: Activating Interest, Step 3: Defining the Topic, Step 4: Planning, Step 5: Doing the Project, Step 6: Reviewing Step 7: Presenting, and Step 8: Processing Feedback.

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How to Cite
Attanatra, C., Plongthong, J. ., & Thongnin, P. (2024). Project-based Learning Usage in Teaching Reading. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 14(3), 103–115. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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