The Importance of the Profession of School Administrators in a Crisis

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Supakorn Rattanawong
Tharntip Phaungjeen
Artit Permketkam


Thai education today faces a rapidly changing globalization crisis. The Thai education system needs to be adjusted to keep up with current events, making it difficult for school administrators to avoid crises, which can cause many problems. Therefore, when there is a crisis, school administrators need to take urgent action to solve the problem. The importance of the school management profession in crisis is therefore relevant and highly necessary, where the performance standards of school management practitioners are following the Guru Council Regulations on Professional Standards and Goals of Educational Management (Aspirations) in the National Education Development Plan (2017 -2036), as well as the policies and focus of the Ministry of Education. In recognition of the impending crisis. To prepare for change Management of school administrators in crisis and guidelines for crisis preparedness. School administrators have an important role to play in professional development. Have academic leadership and build academic leadership in their institutions. The school management profession is an educational profession that is responsible for the administration of the educational institution as well as the support of education, so it must be a well-educated person with a positive attitude towards service to lead the school to achieve its goals and achieve success. When a crisis occurs, which refers to an event or situation that quickly and severely damages a person's life and property. To be able to get through that crisis. Therefore, school administrators must use their professions of school administrators to manage the crisis with a crisis preparedness approach that can solve the problems that arise. This will help schools recover from the crisis and return to normal.

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How to Cite
Rattanawong, S. ., Phaungjeen, T., & Permketkam, A. (2023). The Importance of the Profession of School Administrators in a Crisis. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 13(2), 63–77. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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