Transformational Leadership in 21st Century of School Administrators

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Kitipan Buakeaw
Pholphiphat Singhabowornchai
Wiwat Cheurjit
Supakorn Rattanawong
Waiwoot Boonloy


The 21st Century transformational leadership of school administrators is a study of the changes in the 21st century that have resulted in The transformational leadership of school administrators in the 21st century, in which the current situation of global society is in the era of the 21st century, is an era of change in many ways, including the economy. Society, politics, culture, innovation, technology and education are important for the growth of developing countries entering the era of Thai education 4.0, especially in the field of information technology, which is one of the factors in the management of educational institutions. This consists of 1) planning to require staff in the school to perform their tasks effectively, 2) managing positions, obligations and responsibilities, and structuring the organization accordingly. In addition, effective executives need to rely on processes in which leaders influence their colleagues through behavioral processes, the following are important: 1) ideological influence, 2) motivation, 3) intellectual stimulation, 4) individualization, 5) team building, therefore, the 21 century transformational leadership of school administrators is important to lead the school in an era of change. Advancement in science, creating new knowledge to prepare students and the skills needed to prepare them. Able to live a normal and happy life and affect the human resource development of the nation.

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How to Cite
Buakeaw, K., Singhabowornchai, P., Cheurjit, W., Rattanawong, S., & Boonloy, W. (2023). Transformational Leadership in 21st Century of School Administrators. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 13(2), 79–97. Retrieved from
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