Operation of Personnel of Central Pattana Public Company Limited, Before and After Entering the COVID-19 Epidemic Situation

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Satrirat Busapan


The objectives of this research were to study the work practices before entering the COVID-19 epidemic situation and after entering the COVID-19 epidemic situation, and to compare the operational characteristics before and after the epidemic COVID-19. It is qualitative research. There were 5 informants. The research tool was an interview guideline that analyzed the content of the research. It was found that: 1) The nature of work/job characteristics/duties and responsibilities are similar before and during the COVID-19 outbreak in terms of each person's job duties. 2) Task-specific knowledge and skills will be obtained through online training or a course of study. Originally, there had to be a trip to go to training in a meeting place in other provinces or go out of place. 3) The work duration remains the same. There may be some duties that require a reduction in the processing time, such as meeting customers. The procedure may be shortened or change the way you meet your child from face to face. It is a conversation through online channels. Whether it is a website or a program, it can be used for both small and large meetings. 4) Compensation characteristics and welfare: The compensation that personnel receive will remain the same. The welfare of personnel is also in accordance with the company's regulations and during the outbreak of COVID-19, the company has increased the welfare of the COVID-19 life insurance. In the event that personnel get infected with the epidemic while working, the COVID-19 insurance provided by the company will cover the test to confirm the results until they recover and are able to return to work as usual. 5) Coordination with external agencies/third parties, COVID-19 epidemic situation, resulting in reduced customer contact, field trips, and turns to work to reduce personnel, reduce congestion at different times of the day, and allow personnel to strictly adhere to the measures. 6) In terms of the operation's rules and regulations, no changes were discovered. Entry rules are still being established, performance, rewards, welfare arrangements as specified in the employment contract. The increased portion is a characteristic measure. Guidelines to prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, such as cleaning time attendance adjustment team arrangement to reduce congestion. 7) Overall, it was found that the epidemic situation of COVID-19 affects the performance of personnel in terms of increasing social distancing measures and preventive measures, take care and behave properly and do not risk contracting the virus, making field operations. It was difficult to implement and had to be reduced. It also affects attendance and an increasingly online workforce. Some workers are not ready to increase technology costs. 8) The results of the comparison revealed that work performance in the period before and after the COVID-19 epidemic was different in nature of work, nature of work performed, duties, responsibilities, compensation, welfare, skills, knowledge, coordinating work with external agencies/third parties, and operating rules and regulations.

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How to Cite
Busapan, S. (2023). Operation of Personnel of Central Pattana Public Company Limited, Before and After Entering the COVID-19 Epidemic Situation. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 13(1), 39–50. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HUSO-J/article/view/823
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