Language Uses in Abstracts of Review Article of Molecular and Cell Biology in Scopus

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Siriwimon Noksub


This research aimed to identify language uses in terms of tense, voice, and sentence type including simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and compound-complex sentence occurred in abstracts of review article of molecular and cell biology. Qualitative research was used which all of 45 abstracts of review article in the field of molecular and cell biology published in 2021 were purposively collected from Journal with the highest rank of citation based on Scopus then Coding Scheme that was adapted and added some details from Ferris (Ferris et al, 2013) was used as an analysis pattern so as to proceed this research, and using descriptive statistics to explain in details and in the forms of frequency and percentage were chosen to present the results. According to analysis, the results showed that present simple tense found 596 times (88.30%), present perfect tense found 57 times (8.44%), past simple tense found 13 times (1.93%), present continuous tense found 6 times (0.89%), future simple tense found 3 times (0.44%), active voice found 530 times (80.06%), passive voice found 132 time (19.94%), complex sentence found 114 times (38.64%), simple sentence found 81 times (27.46%), compound-complex sentence found 74 times (25.08%), and compound sentence found 26 times (8.82%).

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How to Cite
Noksub, S. (2023). Language Uses in Abstracts of Review Article of Molecular and Cell Biology in Scopus. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 13(1), 51–65. Retrieved from
Research Article


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