Reconsidering the Mystery of Digital Marketing Strategy in the Technological Environment: Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Consumer Behavior
Digital Marketing; , Digital Marketing Strategy; , Digital Marketing ManagementAbstract
The marketing business has been obliged to respond to the digital age by a globalization-driven technology dynamic. Hence, digital marketing plays an essential part in modern business operations. This paper provides an enlightening and logical analysis of the numerous aspects related to digital marketing and customer behavior. Initially, it was necessary to compile a collection of theoretical contributions from many academics in order to accurately characterize the study difficulties, appreciate the existing state of knowledge in this area, and identify any knowledge gaps that persisted. Notwithstanding the abundance of data on consumer behavior and digital marketing investigations are still expanding. Insufficient study has been undertaken, for instance, on the concept of digital engagement, which is fundamental to consumer behavior and one of the central themes investigated in this study. This is especially true in terms of its relationship to electronic loyalty. The beneficial impact of digital methods on a company's financial performance is also a rising field of study. This paper tries to advance this field. This paper has shown that digital marketing has a big effect on businesses today, given the growth of social networks and the role of the modern consumer, who prefers digital platforms for a wide range of activities and situations.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Pongsiri Kamkankaew, Suteera Sribenjachot, Jatupron Wongmahatlek, Vachiraporn Phattarowas, Surakit Khumwongpin
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