A Model For Developing Student Leadership Skills in Normal Universities in Changsha, China





Student Leadership Skills; , Student Development; , Higher Education


Since the emergence of leadership education in a university in the last century, student leadership development has a history of more than 40 years. Nowadays, leadership development has become a necessary part of higher education, and many universities use leadership development to promote students’ learning outcomes and competitiveness. This study aims to establish a leadership skill model suitable for normal university students by exploring the desirable and current leadership skill components of college students. In this study, qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted, which involves a questionnaire survey of 1185 student leaders in normal universities with a sample size of 540 by proportionate stratified sampling, and a systematic review of 45 pieces of literature. According to the research results, 1) Critical Thinking, 2) Strategic Planning, 3) Decision-making, 4) Innovation and Creativity, and 5) Vision were considered as the student leadership skills that need to be developed as a priority in normal universities in Changsha. According to these five leadership skills and student development theories, the researchers explored the factors that influence student leadership development (student motivation, extracurricular activities, professional guidance, campus environment, and social expectations) and factors related to student leadership skills (activity, teaching approach, learning approach, learning environment, thinking practice, professional guidance, and evaluation). Based on the above results, the researcher proposed a model concept, after expert evaluation and revision, a model for developing student leadership skills in normal universities in Changsha has been developed.


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How to Cite

Yu, Z. ., & Mhunpiew, N. . (2022). A Model For Developing Student Leadership Skills in Normal Universities in Changsha, China. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 2(4), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.14456/jsasr.2022.31