A Model for the Development of Leadership Competencies Through Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities for Undergraduate Music Students in Southern Sichuan, China





Student Leadership;, Extra-curricular Activities; , Music Students


Leadership involves motivating, influencing, and directing people to work together to achieve goals and objectives. Student leaders need to be able to develop leadership competencies to help them be successful in their careers. Undergraduate music students will have careers that are more diverse and different from the past. Consequently, they will also need skills, perspectives, and leadership qualities that are effective for the 21st century. This study aimed to develop a model to increase leadership competencies for undergraduate music students through participation in extracurricular activities. The study was conducted in Southern Sichuan, China with a sample of 561 music undergraduates from three representative universities. The research was an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design. A research instrument was developed through a synthesis of the literature to measure student leadership competencies and participation in extracurricular activities. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were conducted to determine significant relationships between extracurricular activities, demographic profiles, and student leadership competencies. A final model was proposed and validated by experts using the focus group method. The developed model is hoped to be useful for universities in Southern Sichuan at targeting and providing extracurricular activities that will be effective in increasing leadership competencies in music students.


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How to Cite

Luo, J., & Asavisanu, P. . (2022). A Model for the Development of Leadership Competencies Through Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities for Undergraduate Music Students in Southern Sichuan, China. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 2(4), 89–102. https://doi.org/10.14456/jsasr.2022.32