The Influence of Apparel E-commerce Companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Spurious Loyalty-The Mediating Role of Perceived Risks




Apparel E-commerce; , Corporate Social Responsibility; , Spurious Loyalty of Customers; , Perceived Risk; , E-commerce


Nowadays, the apparel industry e-commerce is developing rapidly; its corporate social responsibility is an attractive and interesting topic because many researchers found corporate social responsibility can affect consumer behavior. This research aims to find the relationship between apparel e-commerce companies’ corporate social responsibility and customer spurious loyalty, to find the mediating effect between perceived risk of apparel e-commerce enterprises' corporate social responsibility and the loyalty of customer and to find a good way to get more loyal customer, in order to increase the income and profit of apparel e-commerce industry. The researcher found that in the apparel industry e-commerce, it is a challenge to ensure that customers have real loyalty. The common point between spurious loyalty and real loyalty is that they both include behavioral loyalty (habitual buying behavior), and the difference is whether there is emotional loyalty. In this industry, the ability to generate consumer loyalty is good for the development of apparel enterprises. The research aimed to find the relationship between apparel e-commerce companies’ corporate social responsibility and customer spurious loyalty and to understand the role of perceived risk as a mediating variable.  The researcher distributed 800 questionnaires, collected 723 questionnaires and obtained 652 valid questionnaires. After the analysis, the researcher found that some variables of corporate social responsibility negatively affected the perceived risk; corporate social responsibility positively affected customer spurious loyalty, while perceived risk negatively affected customer spurious loyalty; perceived risk played a partial mediating role between corporate social responsibility and spurious loyalty.


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How to Cite

Li, Z. (2023). The Influence of Apparel E-commerce Companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Spurious Loyalty-The Mediating Role of Perceived Risks. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(1), 19–28.