The Use of Project-Based Learning Focusing on English for Communication Skills for Students at Mahapajapati Buddhist College (MBC)




Project-Based Learning (PBL); , English for Communication Skills; , Mahapajapati Buddhist College (MBC)


Nowadays, Project-Based Learning (PBL) has been widely used in many schools and universities because it is an effective teaching method that enhances students’ English abilities and skills. This study, thus, reviews the current implementation of project-based learning at Mahapajapati Buddhist College. The aims of this study were to 1) explore MBC students’ satisfaction towards learning English for communication via project-based learning (PBL); 2) to compare the post-test mean score of MBC students’ English ability; and 3) to compare the post-test mean score of MBC students’ English ability with the criteria of 60%. The sample used in this study were 50 students studying in English as a communication major, in the first semester of the 2022 academic year at Mahapajabati Buddhist College (MBC), Pak Thong Chai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. They were selected by cluster sampling. The instrument of this study consisted of a questionnaire and an English for Communication Test consisting of 50 multiple-choice questions. The questionnaire was used to explore MBC students’ satisfaction after learning English for communication skills via PBL and the 50 multiple-choice questions were used to evaluate their English ability after learning English for communication skills via PBL. Statistics used in this study were Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test (Dependent sample).      The results of this study revealed that: (1) the MBC students were highly satisfied with learning English for communication skills via PBL lessons. (2) The post-test mean score of MBC students’ English for communication via PBL lesson was significantly higher than the pre-test mean score at the level of .01 statistical significance. And (3) The post-test mean score of MBC students’ English communication skills via PBL lesson at higher than the criteria of 60%.


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How to Cite

Kimsua, C. (2023). The Use of Project-Based Learning Focusing on English for Communication Skills for Students at Mahapajapati Buddhist College (MBC). International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(1), 67–74.