Construction of Teachers' Etiquette Course to Cultivate Student Teachers’ Quality




Student Teachers’ Quality; , Teachers' Etiquette Course; , Experiential Cooperative Learning Approach


Background and Aim: Nowadays in China, the problems with teachers’ etiquette behaviors are increasing more and more. The level of teachers' etiquette literacy will affect the effect of education. The teachers’ etiquette course refers to a course about the applied discipline which studies the specific operation and application of etiquette theory in teachers' daily teaching work. It can improve the student teachers’ quality effectively. The objectives of this article are to study the background information related to the development of a teachers’ etiquette course and to develop a teachers’ etiquette course to improve student teachers’ quality, for year 2 student teachers at the Hubei University of Science and Technology.

Materials and Methods: The researcher studied the literature about the development of the teachers’ etiquette course to cultivate student teachers’ quality in many aspects, such as curriculum development process, components, implementation, and evaluations, and studied student teachers’ quality from the textbook, academic documents, and related researches. The researcher also interviewed the four teachers as the sample was derived by simple random sampling method from eight teachers who teach etiquette courses at the university. The instrument of this study is a teacher’s interview questions about teachers’ etiquette course construction.

Results: From the study found that 1) The course components consisted of principle, objective, content, instructional strategy, material, and evaluation. 2) The teachers’ quality was composed of 1, the Teacher’s external image;2, Teachers’ language;3, Teachers’ characteristic behaviors;4, Teachers’ professional ethics in working. After this, the researcher designed and completed the curriculum components of the teachers’ etiquette course, then sent them to five experts for quality evaluation with an IOC value of more than 3.51, and interrater reliability value of more than 0.5, and revised the curriculum components according to experts’ suggestions.

Conclusion: The teachers' etiquette course based on an experiential cooperative learning approach will foster student teachersetiquette quality effectively. This course is in accordance with government policy and social needs. It also encourages other researchers and teachers to further develop teachers' etiquette teaching methods and etiquette courses.


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How to Cite

Li, G. ., Nilnopkoon, P. ., Onyon, N. ., & Tiansong, W. (2023). Construction of Teachers’ Etiquette Course to Cultivate Student Teachers’ Quality. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(2), 87–96.


