Environmental Innovations in the Aviation Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic





Environmental Innovation; , Aviation Industry;, Epidemic of COVID-19


Background and Aim: The innovation of the aviation industry during the COVID-19 pandemic is the development of new innovations. It happens several times in the aviation industry among airlines and airports. Many strategic plans have been adjusted to make technological developments including the development of innovations that are more environmental.

Materials and Methods: This article presents an analysis of the environmental innovations of the aviation industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes studying the innovation development of airlines and airports both in Thailand and abroad to create knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the importance of the environment and innovations that happen during the COVID-19 epidemic. Moreover, it is also an innovation that has a positive effect on service users around the world.

Results: In accordance with WHO norms, steps are taken to lower the risk of COVID-19 infection, including developing innovative ideas to improve passenger service. In addition, there is a rising concern for the environment, with organizations like ICAO and IATA working hard to limit greenhouse gases like carbon emissions, which are directly linked to global warming. The gathering of global leaders has taken place on multiple occasions to encourage the reduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Hence, starting this investment is a wise decision. The money will also be used to plant trees throughout the world as part of new developments. In order to receive discounts on purchases by developing innovations for the greatest efficiency and effectiveness, passengers must be aware of ways to minimize carbon emissions.

Conclusion: Current developments in the aviation sector are regarded as a crucial condition in the global aviation sector. Since the previous COVID-19 epidemic, airlines have faced challenges, particularly with regard to revenue, which has limited flights in various countries, preventing airlines from being able to fly 100% of the time in the past. There are also rising costs for the COVID-19 epidemic's prevention, including labor costs. Yet, collecting fuel surcharges for air travel or charging a fuel fee while raising prices is one way that airline corporations might save expenses. It is, nevertheless, impossible to raise prices too much due to increased market rivalry due to a variety of variables. In the midst of the epidemic, the number of recently established airlines has surged while the number of passengers has decreased by more than 70%. However, the money will also be used to plant trees throughout the world as part of new developments. In order to receive discounts on purchases by developing innovations for the greatest efficiency and effectiveness, passengers must be aware of ways to minimize carbon emissions.


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How to Cite

Laphet, J. ., Klinsreesuk, W. ., Rakklin, P. ., Lertnuwat, S., & Pollasan, T. . (2023). Environmental Innovations in the Aviation Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(2), 139–146. https://doi.org/10.14456/jsasr.2023.23


