The development of Early Childhood intellectual Capacities in the Child Development Centers of the Local Administrative Organizations, Chaiyaphum

Sunan Siphai
Suphi Siphai
Jaruwan Sakulku
Keywords: Intellectual Capacities; , Aged-Appropriated Development; , Early Childhood Education; , Integrated Learning
Published: Sep 22, 2023


Background and Aim: The early stage of childhood is a crucial period that significantly impacts a child's learning and growth trajectory. Research has shown a strong connection between cognitive ability, developmental milestones during this phase, and future outcomes in adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, it is imperative for preschool learning programs to prioritize age-appropriate and holistic development. To enhance the intellectual capabilities of preschoolers, an integrated learning activity program was implemented and analyzed for its effectiveness in improving young learners' intellectual and other developmental factors.

Material and Methods: This study used pre- and post-test experimental designs. Through a multi-stage random sampling procedure, 113 preschoolers were chosen from five sub-district centers in Nai Faai, Nai Sineun, Ban Lao, Tha Hinong, and Huen. Developmental Assessment Scales, developed by the researcher, were used to compare cognitive abilities and development levels of children aged 24, 36, and 48 months before and after the 8-week Integrated learning program. The reliability of the scales was 0.85, 0.80, and 0.83, respectively. The t-test was employed for comparison analysis.

Results: The results indicated that the motor skills, language, problem-solving, and personal-social awareness of preschoolers aged 24, 36, and 48 months significantly improved at the .01 level after participating in the integrated learning activities.

Conclusions: Integrated learning activities could effectively support and enhance intellectual capacities and age-appropriate development.

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How to Cite

Siphai, S. ., Siphai, S. ., & Sakulku, J. . (2023). The development of Early Childhood intellectual Capacities in the Child Development Centers of the Local Administrative Organizations, Chaiyaphum. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(5), 9–22.




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