Optimizing Business English Learning Among Freshmen in a Private University in China with BERIUVE
Needs Analysis; , L2MSS; , Reading Strategies; , Vision EnhancementAbstract
Background and Aims: Business English learners encounter challenges in acquiring specialized business knowledge and English proficiency. Mastering English, especially in a business context, can be daunting for second-language learners. Thus, this study aims to examine the challenges students face in reading and motivation while learning business English and to develop a Business English Reading Instruction Using Vision Enhancement (BERIUVE).
Materials and Methods: The present study conducted a needs analysis employing a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Five freshman classes (N=145) from a private college in China participated in the survey.
Results: The findings demonstrated that students acknowledged the importance of business English reading but sought increased motivation to learn. They lacked both micro- and macro-cognitive reading abilities for comprehension and required assistance in cultivating a vivid and realistic vision. In response to the student’s preferences, the researcher developed the BERIUVE, inspired by Hadfield and Dornyei (2013)’s visionary motivational program. This study’s innovative approach, which integrates reading demands and learning motivation, has substantial pedagogical implications for future business English instruction. The findings can inform the modification of course objectives and the development of motivational instruction for business reading based on learner analysis.
Conclusions: Specifically, the study highlights the importance of recognizing individual learner needs to devise targeted interventions that can improve reading abilities and enhance overall reading efficiency. The pedagogical implications of analyzing learners and designing motivational instruction for business reading are ultimately discussed.
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