Research on the Application of Flipped Classroom in University Furniture Design Course- Taking Leshan Normal University as an Example
Flipped Classroom; , Superstar Teaching PlatformAbstract
Background and Aim: Flipped classroom as a modern teaching method has attracted much attention in improving students’ learning performance. This study employed a flipped-classroom teaching strategy and modern technology applications to conduct teaching experiments on students. Through the test of the furniture design drawings and questionnaires, this study aims to examine the impact of the flipped classroom teaching method on academic achievement between the experimental class and the control class.
Materials and Methods: This study is quasi-experimental research, using a quantitative research method. The subjects were third-year undergraduates majoring in environmental design at Leshan Normal University in Sichuan, China. Students were in two groups, an experimental group and a control group. The flipped classroom teaching strategy was used in the experimental group class A, 55 students. The traditional teaching method was used in the control group Class B, 55 students. Through the furniture design drawing test, it attempted to understand students’ ability in innovation, visual rendering, practicality, and typography, as well as the applicability and ease of use of the learning platform Superstar APP in the flipped teaching course. Data were collected through tests and questionnaires, and analyzed by using the statistical software Jamovi. The hypotheses were tested by paired samples T-test and independent sample T-test.
Results: The results showed that the teaching method of flipped classrooms has a very positive impact on students' academic performance. Students' furniture design innovation ability and layout design ability have been improved significantly. Students showed a high level of effectiveness and convenience in using the Superstar platform APP for flipped classroom teaching.
Conclusion: Based on the research results, this paper makes some suggestions on the application of flipped classrooms in furniture design courses.
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