Exploring the Influence of Xiaohongshu Application on Student Academic Performance and Technology Acceptance in Design Sketch Course: A Case Study at Sichuan Vocational College of Arts
Classroom Interaction; , Electronic Portfolios; , Xiaohongshu; , Student Academic Performance; , TAMAbstract
Background and Aim: This study aims to explore the application of the Xiaohongshu mobile application in creating electronic portfolios, as well as editing, storing, and displaying students' electronic works in design sketch classes. The use of electronic portfolios can encourage students to constantly reflect on their artistic creations and improve their level of artistic performance. The objective of this research is to utilize the Xiaohongshu software as a platform for teaching technology and investigate the integration of electronic portfolios into design sketch classes, to enhance students' performance in design sketch works.
Materials and Methods: The research utilized pre-tests and post-tests are conducted to evaluate students' performance in four areas of their design sketches: composition, space, details of objects and environment, and line quality. The questionnaire was used to measure students' PU and PEOU during the process of creating an electronic portfolio using Xiaohongshu software. Data were collected through test scoring and questionnaires, and statistical analysis and path hypothesis tests were conducted by Jamovi software.
Results: The integration of the Xiaohongshu application software into the design sketch course exhibited positive outcomes. Analysis of pre-and post-test data revealed significant improvements in students' design sketch proficiency across various dimensions: composition, space representation, detailing of objects and environments, and line quality. Questionnaire survey results demonstrated favorable perceptions among students regarding the perceived usefulness and ease of utilizing the app for electronic portfolio creation. The study's findings suggest that the app contributes effectively to enhancing students' artistic capabilities.
Conclusion: This study introduced the Xiaohongshu application software as an innovative e-learning tool for documenting painting processes and fostering curriculum exchange. Through a quasi-experimental approach, it assessed the software's impact on students' design sketch proficiency by creating electronic portfolios. The study also surveyed students' perceptions of its usefulness and ease of use. Findings demonstrated that integrating Xiaohongshu positively affected students' design skills, particularly in composition, spatial representation, detailing, and line quality. Students' positive feedback further validated the software's effectiveness. Additionally, the study highlighted the emergence of live online courses as a potential teaching mode. Future research could expand its scope by investigating diverse painting techniques and longer timeframes. In essence, this study underscores technology's transformative potential in traditional artistic education, paving the way for innovative pedagogical approaches and enhancing students' artistic growth.
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