Factors Impacting Art Major Postgraduate Students’ Academic Engagement in Online Learning at the University of Chengndu China

Sicheng Dong
Changhan Li
Keywords: Impacting of Online Learning; , Art Major; , Postgraduate Students; , Academic Engagement
Published: Nov 17, 2023


Background and Aim: Amidst China's swift embrace of e-learning, this study delves into the interplay between quality management, e-learning, and academic investigation in higher education. It aims to identify strategies blending academic research, institutional growth, and practical enhancement for optimal educational quality. By addressing the myriad elements affecting e-learning quality, this research offers insights for educational stakeholders, promoting enlightened quality management in modern digital education.

Research Method: A survey targeting students, educators, and administrators will quantitatively gauge e-learning quality perceptions and the influence of academic research. Additionally, detailed interviews with a subset of respondents will shed light on their e-learning quality governance experiences. The 425 participants are from Chengdu University and Chengdu Normal University, engaged in online learning in 2021-2022.

Results: Students' online engagement inefficiencies arise from distractions like mobile phones, subpar materials, and familial disruptions. Online learning presents challenges for college students, such as tracking progress and teacher-student interaction. The shift from traditional teaching due to the epidemic has introduced hurdles like diminished focus, limited instant communication, and eye strain.

Conclusion: The University of Chengdu's study on factors impacting art major postgraduate students' online learning engagement offers valuable insights for enhancing online education during the pandemic, underlining crucial areas requiring attention and development to ensure a successful transition while upholding instructional standards.

Article Details

How to Cite

Dong, S. ., & Li, C. . (2023). Factors Impacting Art Major Postgraduate Students’ Academic Engagement in Online Learning at the University of Chengndu China. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(6), 311–326. https://doi.org/10.60027/ijsasr.2023.3451



Author Biography

Sicheng Dong, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Thailand.

Ph.D. Candidate, graduate school of business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Thailand.


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