Effect of Learning Management Using Problem-based Learning on Fine Arts Basic Ability of Freshmen in Suzhou Arts and Design Institute, The People’s Republic of China
Problem-Based Learning; , Fine Arts Basic Ability; , Student SatisfactionAbstract
Background and Aim: Learning Management Using Problem-Based Learning students can have better development of creativity, the ability to apply in real-world situations, aesthetic appreciation of Arts, activeness, and initiative which can help them to make progress in Fine Arts basic ability. Thus, the purposes of this research were to:1) To compare the students’ Fine Arts basic ability before and after learning through Learning Management Using Problem Based Learning. 2) To compare the Fine Arts basic ability after learning through Learning Management Using problem-based learning with the determined criterion set at 70%.3) To assess the significance level of students’ satisfaction after learning through Learning Management Using Problem-Based Learning.
Materials and Methods: The sample of this study was 30 Freshmen (1 class) in Suzhou Institute of Fine Arts and Design in the academic year of 2023, which was derived from the cluster random sampling method. The research instruments were as follows: 1) There are five teaching plans for the Fine arts’s basic ability course of fine arts. The five teaching plans adopt the Learning Management Using Problem-Based Learning teaching method. The themes are research instruments were as follows: There are 5 lesson plans for teaching Fine Arts basic Objects from concrete to abstract - The skill of composition and the skill of light and shadow sensitivity, The meaning of color - The skill of color sensitivity Abstract lines - The skill of lines, Stereo model first session - The skills of typological criterion, lines, and composition.2) An achievement test was used with a reliability of 0.73. 3)The reliability of student satisfaction is 0.80.
Results: The results of the study were as follows: (1) Students who received Learning Management Using Problem-Based Learning have higher scores than before learning through Learning Management Using Problem-Based Learning than before at a statistically significant level of 0.05. (2) Students who received the Learning Management Using Problem-Based Learning have higher scores than the determined criterion of 70%. And (3) The students’ satisfaction with Learning Management Using Problem-Based learning is at a high level.
Conclusion: Learning management using problem-based learning significantly improves students' Fine art’s basic ability. learning management using problem-based learning problem-based learning environment encourages students to actively think and participate in problem-solving. And the learning management using problem-based learning in the learning process, teachers still need to maintain supervision and guidance and increase time for repeated training to ensure that students are aligned with the learning objectives of Fine arts basic ability.
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