The Effects of Table Tennis, Basketball, and Athletics on the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Elementary School Students

Yanling Huang
Prakit Hongsaenyatham
Chanchai Siriphan
Keywords: Table Tennis; , Basketball; , Athletics; , Elementary School Students; , Myopia
Published: Nov 17, 2023


Background and Aim: The visual acuity of children and adolescents is declining, which seriously affects the physical health of children and adolescents with the continuous integration and development of sports and health fields, many studies have shown that sports are closely related to the eye health of children and adolescents. Therefore, this study conducts table tennis, basketball, and athletics research on the prevention and control of myopia in elementary school students, and compares the effects.

Materials and Methods: This study conducted a 24-week exercise experiment intervention on children with low vision, selected 80 experimental samples that meet the requirements of the experimental research, and divided the 80 students into 4 groups on average using random grouping, set up 1 control group and 3 experimental groups. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance was performed on the data of the three experimental groups and control groups.

Results: The facility of accommodation and relative accommodation ability of the three experimental groups were significantly improved, while those of the control group were significantly decreased, indicating that the experimental intervention of table tennis, basketball, and athletics can improve the facility of accommodation and relative accommodation functions of the eyes. From the results of the change of the equivalent spherical mirror degree, it can be shown that the table tennis group has the best control effect, followed by basketball, and the third is athletics.

Conclusions: (1) Professionally designed table tennis, basketball, and athletics have a preventive effect on myopia diopter, and can control and slow down the progression of myopia to a certain extent. (2) Designing exercise programs related to the principles of eye movement is more effective in preventing and controlling elementary school students’ myopia than traditional physical education courses. And (3) The intervention methods of table tennis, basketball, and athletics in this study to prevent myopia can be promoted and used in physical education classes in elementary and secondary schools.

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Huang, Y., Hongsaenyatham, P., & Siriphan, C. (2023). The Effects of Table Tennis, Basketball, and Athletics on the Prevention and Control of Myopia in Elementary School Students. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(6), 351–358.




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