Construction of The Evaluation Index System for The Implementation of College Students' Physical Health Promotion Policies in Heilongjiang Province

Haiquan Du
Panya Sungkawadee
Keywords: Colleges and Universities; , Promotion of Students' Physical Health; , Policy Execution Ability; , Evaluation Index System
Published: Nov 19, 2023


Background and Aim: Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made significant arrangements for the Healthy China strategy, policies for promoting students' physical health have been introduced in a "burst" manner, and the promotion of students' physical health has been increasingly valued and the main objective of this study was Construction of an evaluation system for the execution of policies for promoting students' physical health in universities in Heilongjiang Province.

Materials and Methods: The initial indicators of the evaluation system for the implementation of the physical health promotion policy of college students in Heilongjiang Province were selected by using research methods such as literature review, field survey, etc. The evaluation index system for the implementation of the physical health promotion policy of college students in Heilongjiang Province was finally constructed through the mathematical statistics method and the 3 rounds of the Delphi method, and the expert opinions were standardized using the entropy weight method combined with the mathematical statistics method, Calculate the weights of various levels of indicators in the evaluation system for the execution of physical health promotion policies for college students in Heilongjiang Province.

Result: (1) The evaluation system for the execution of policies to promote the physical health of college students in Heilongjiang Province consists of 5 first-level indicators, 9 second-level indicators, and 26 third-level indicators. The first level indicator with the greatest weight was executive subject consensus (0.512) and the indicator with the least weight was policy implementation personnel value orientation (0.114). The secondary level indicator with the greatest weight was the material allocation of the physical health promotion policy (0.569) and the indicator with the least weight was the value orientation of executive staff (0.114). 26 third-level indicators and weight coefficients are constructed based on first-level and second-level indicators.

Conclusion: The total evaluation system for the execution of policies to promote the physical health of college students in Heilongjiang Province consists are 40 indicators. According to expert evaluation, it was found that the index evaluation system is reasonable, scientific, and rigorous, forming a relatively complete evaluation system for the execution of policies to evaluate the physical health of college students in Heilongjiang Province.

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How to Cite

Du , H., & Sungkawadee, P. . (2023). Construction of The Evaluation Index System for The Implementation of College Students’ Physical Health Promotion Policies in Heilongjiang Province. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(6), 359–374.




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