The Factors Impacting Behavioral Intention Toward Using the Tencent Meeting by Undergraduate Students in Performing Majors from Sichuan University of Media and Communications
Background and Aims: Online education platforms have surged in popularity and usage, necessitating a deeper understanding of the factors influencing user satisfaction. this study sought to elucidate the factors influencing the behavioral intentions of performing major undergraduates at Sichuan University of Media and Communications, China.
Methodology: This study used a quantitative approach to assess the satisfaction of undergraduate students in performing majors from Sichuan University of Media and Communications with the Tencent Meeting platform. Data was gathered using a structured Likert-scale questionnaire. The instrument's reliability and validity were confirmed through expert reviews and a Cronbach's Alpha-based pilot test. After data collection, statistical analyses, including regression, were employed to interpret the results.
Result: The structured questionnaire highlighted key factors influencing this satisfaction. The data's validity and reliability were further reinforced by expert reviews and a positive Cronbach's Alpha score from the pilot test. Statistical analyses, particularly regression, indicated strong correlations between platform features, such as system quality and service quality, and overall student satisfaction.
Conclusion: The study conclusively demonstrates that the Tencent Meeting online platform is well-received by undergraduate performance students at Sichuan University of Media and Communications. Through rigorous quantitative analysis, key features, especially system and service quality, emerged as pivotal to student satisfaction. These findings underscore the platform's efficacy and provide valuable insights for enhancing online educational experiences in the future.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mengjie Li, Changhan Li

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