How Artificial Intelligence is Helping Businesses Grow and Thrive: The Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in Thai B2C Digital Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI); , Business-to-Consumer (B2C); , Digital MarketingAbstract
Background and Aim: Thailand, an emerging market in Southeast Asia, has swiftly embraced the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) within business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing. This review article offers a thorough examination of the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) in business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing within the context of Thailand. It delves into the impact of AI on customer service, personalization, and the competitive landscape.
Materials and Methods: This review article presents a comprehensive methodology for performing a literature review on artificial intelligence (AI) and business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing in Thailand. The outlined process encompasses various stages, such as establishing clear objectives, conducting a thorough search for relevant literature, critically assessing the selected articles, extracting pertinent data, and finally composing the review.
Results: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing in Thailand profoundly impacts customer engagement. However, this transformation has challenges encompassing data privacy, algorithmic bias, and cultural disparities. The achievement of effective implementation hinges upon the integration of innovative approaches, the ability to navigate cultural barriers, and the adherence to ethical principles to uphold customer trust.
Conclusion: Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in business-to-consumer (B2C) digital marketing in Thailand has a transformative impact on customer engagement. The B2C digital marketing industry is currently experiencing a substantial transformation due to the influence of artificial intelligence (AI). Organizations must incorporate strategic endeavors such as integrating artificial intelligence (AI)-based personalization, predictive analytics, and Chatbots while ensuring compliance with ethical norms to meet legal requirements and maintain the trust of stakeholders.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Pongsiri Kamkankaew, Phithagorn Thanitbenjasith, Suteera Sribenjachot, Nateetip Sanpatanon, Vachiraporn Phattarowas, Phiched Thanin

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