Application of Interactive Teaching Method in Digital Media Technology Teaching in Chengdu, China
Educational Informatization; , Classroom Teaching;, InteractionAbstract
Background and Aim: This study explored the influences on the intention of undergraduate students majoring in digital media technology to participate in interactive teaching methods in three of the most representative universities in Sichuan Province. The objective of the research is to determine the extent to which each variable influences the use of interactive teaching methods. The latent variables investigated in the study include social influence (SI), trust (TR), perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), attitude (AT), behavioral intention (BI), and usage behavior (UB) of interactive teaching methods. The population of the research is freshmen to Juniors of digital media technology departments from three target universities, namely Chengdu University, Chengdu Institute of Technology, and Sichuan Institute of Industry and Commerce. The 504 samples were proportionally drawn from the mentioned three universities.
Materials and Methods: In this paper, a total of 504 data were collected through questionnaires, and data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model.
Results: The results of the data analysis found that the effects of perceived usefulness and trust on attitude were not significant, and all other hypotheses were verified. Among them, perceived ease of use had the greatest effect on attitude.
Conclusion: For undergraduate digital media technology students to recognize and use interactive teaching methods, university administrators and teaching staff need to simplify the interactive teaching process and pay attention to the factors that have a significant effect on behavioral intentions.
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