Writing-skill Development of Graduate Students Through a Google Jamboard Platform: A Study of Graduate Students from a Public University in Bangkok
Writing-skill;, Graduate Students;, Google Jamboard Platform; , Public UniversityAbstract
Background and Aim: The purposes of this research were to develop writing skills through a Google Jamboard platform and determine Jamboard acceptance in graduate students from a public university in Bangkok. This quasi-experimental research made use of a pretest and a posttest.
Material and Methods: The sample was 50 graduate students at the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The research instruments used in data collection were a writing rubric from Northeastern Illinois University (adapted from Univ. of Washington, Barbara Walvoord, Winthrop Univ., Virginia Community College System) and a seven-point Likert scale questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of arithmetic mean and standard deviation, and a paired-sample t-test. Research hypotheses were tested using a pair-sample t-test.
Results: The results of the hypotheses testing showed that the students obtained better scores on writing. The result was statistically significant at 0.05.
Conclusion: The students performed better in writing, and this difference is significant at the 0.05 level of significance. This implies that there is strong evidence to support the idea that there is a genuine improvement in the writing skills of the students under investigation.
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