The Evaluation of China's Double Reduction Policy: A Case Study in Dongming County Mingde Primary School
Policy Evaluation; , Double reduction Policy; , Educational PolicyAbstract
Background and Aim: The "Double Reduction Policy" has been formulated and implemented by the Chinese government to reduce the homework load of primary and secondary school students and regulate off-campus training institutions. This study aims to assess the impact of the double reduction policy implemented at Mingde Primary School in Dongming County. The evaluation will be conducted using the Stufflebeam CIPP Model, which includes an assessment of the policy's context, input, process, and product aspects. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the impact of the policy.
Materials and Methods: The research methodology used in this study is qualitative. Data was collected through document analysis and interviews with 20 key informants, who were purposefully selected. The informants included school administrators, teachers, parents, and students. The qualitative data collected was analyzed using content analysis.
Results: This research examines the implementation of the Double Reduction Policy in China, a top-down policy model aimed at reducing homework and after-school tutoring pressure on primary and secondary school students. The results indicate that the policy successfully eases pressure on families and students and enhances teacher development. However, it also increases management time and results in longer working hours for teachers after school. The research findings align with the experiences of school administrators, teachers, and parents involved in the policy implementation. The study highlights both the advantages and disadvantages of the policy, emphasizing the need for a balanced perspective considering the diverse perspectives of stakeholders.
Conclusion: The research on implementing the Double Reduction Policy in China provides valuable insights into its impact on various stakeholders. The findings reveal that the policy effectively addresses the issue of homework and after-school tutoring pressure, benefiting families and students by reducing their workload. Additionally, it promotes teacher development and strengthens free online learning services. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the policy also brings challenges, such as increased management time and longer working hours for teachers after school. This research provides valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders involved in education reform efforts. It emphasizes the need for comprehensive and thoughtful approaches when implementing policies to reduce academic pressure on students and improve educational outcomes.
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