A Study of Parents’ Satisfaction in A Street Dance Training Organization in Heilongjiang Province





Street Dance Training Organization; , Parent Satisfaction; , Enhancement Strategies


Background and Aims: With the advent of the television media era Street dance has become a symbol of fashion and trends. Street dance training institutes therefore compete fiercely for teaching services. This research therefore aims to know and find ways to improve parents' satisfaction.

Methodology: This study utilized a quantitative research methodology and chose to use a questionnaire to collect data based on the five dimensions of the SERVQUAL model (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) to expand and consider the contents corresponding to each of these five dimensions. The sample comprised 420 parents from a street dance training organization in Heilongjiang Province.

Results: the results showed that the percentage of parents' satisfaction was 71.35% in the tangibility dimension, 71.63% in the reliability dimension, 71.13% in the responsiveness dimension, 71.13% in the assurance dimension, and 71.14% in the reliability dimension. dimension, the parent satisfaction percentage was 71.73%; and in the empathy dimension, the parent satisfaction percentage was 77.02%. Parental satisfaction is generally at the middle to upper level, indicating that parents are more satisfied with and recognize the service quality of a street dance training institution in Heilongjiang Province.

Conclusion: The correlation analysis shows that the teachers' strengths as well as the charging strategy have a significant effect on overall satisfaction.


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How to Cite

He, F. ., & Chotipiboonsub, J. . (2024). A Study of Parents’ Satisfaction in A Street Dance Training Organization in Heilongjiang Province. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(3), 387–396. https://doi.org/10.60027/ijsasr.2024.4086


