The Effectiveness of the Blended Learning Metho in Computer-Aided Ui Design Course


  • Chao Yang Lecturer, Communication University of Shanxi, China. And Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management Assumption University of Thailand, Thailand
  • Thanawan Phongsatha Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management Assumption University of Thailand, Thailand



College Student; , Blended Learning; , Teaching Design; , Teaching Intervention; , Design Major


Background and Aim: The study discusses how blended learning and teaching intervention based on the Superstar learning system would have an impact on students' academic performance in design practice courses. The main objective was to determine the effectiveness of a blended learning approach based on the Superstar learning system in improving student academic performance in a computer-assisted UI design course and to determine if it improves student academic performance.

Materials and Methods: In this study, 64 undergraduate students studying at the university majoring in digital media art participated in the study. Participants were divided into two groups—the control group and the treatment group. The control group adopted traditional in-class lectures as the teaching method, while the treatment group adopted the hybrid teaching method based on the Superstar learning system. After 8 weeks of study, two groups of students assessed design works based on the four aspects, which are conceptual knowledge, creativity of thinking, aesthetics, and attendance to find out the effectiveness of the treatment.

Results: The results revealed that blended learning through the Superstar learning system has been found to significantly enhance students’ performances in all four areas studied, which are conceptual knowledge, creativity of thinking, aesthetics, and attendance. Compared to the traditional way, the blended learning method can provide students with more flexible learning methods and environments, which help students earn higher scores in the courses.

Conclusion: These research results support the existing studies, indicating that the blended learning method can improve students' academic performances in Computer-aided UI design courses to a certain extent.


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How to Cite

Yang, C., & Phongsatha, T. . (2024). The Effectiveness of the Blended Learning Metho in Computer-Aided Ui Design Course. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(3), 317–328.


