Effectiveness of Practical Teaching Participation for Improving the Students' Employability





Practical Teaching; , Feelings of Participation; , Employability


Background and Aim: Practical teaching is an important means for cultivating students' employability in China's applied undergraduate colleges. This study investigates students' perceptions of the effectiveness of practical teaching participation and analyzes the influencing mechanism between students' feelings of participation and college students' employability.

Materials and Methods: A total of 23 undergraduate graduates from three applied universities in a certain region of China were selected for semi-structured interviews, and the literature research method and thematic analysis method were used for analysis.

Results: Students' participation in practical teaching is the most critical factor affecting students' employment. Students' participation in practical teaching has a positive mediating effect on students' employability. Teacher-student interaction promotes students' employability through participation.

Conclusion: Colleges and universities should pay attention to the effectiveness of students' participation in practical teaching and provide a variety of practical teaching methods to improve participation. College students should choose appropriate practical teaching activities according to their career plans to improve their employability.


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How to Cite

Chen, X. (2024). Effectiveness of Practical Teaching Participation for Improving the Students’ Employability. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(3), 475–490. https://doi.org/10.60027/ijsasr.2024.4276


