Development of Teaching Program by Applying Target Goal Achievement to Enhance the Table Tennis Skills in Secondary School Students




Table Tennis Teaching Program; , Goal Achievement; , Adding Goal Achievement into a Teaching Program


Background and Aim: Table tennis has become an essential part of physical education programs at every level of education. An era that prioritizes individual abilities and differentiation is ushered in by teaching approaches that place a strong emphasis on active learning and student interaction. This research aimed to construct a training program by adding goals achieved to enhance table tennis skills in secondary school students.

Materials and Methods: This research was a quasi-experiment research. The subjects were 40 students in grade 7th of junior high schools, they were selected from 70 students of 2 classes by testing table tennis skills, then ranked the scores and applied a systematic sampling method to divide into an experiment group and a control group. The research tools were interviews from, a table tennis teaching program by applying goal achievement to enhance skills. questionnaire to evaluate the teaching and learning process by students. The program was validated by 3 experts and got IOC= 0.85 (0.66-1.00), and the efficiency by trying out with 30 students and got E1/E2 = 71.69/70.48. The experiment was a group's pretest-posttest training program for 8 weeks, 2 sessions a week, and 1.30 hours a session. The researcher monitored and evaluated the goal achievement of the experiment group on week 3rd week 6th and week 8th, while the control group was taught by the traditional table tennis program. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and percentage, and compare the pretest and posttest with the t-test.

Result: The result revealed that (1) The table tennis skills in the posttest of both the control group and the experiment group were higher than the pretests at a .05 level of significance. (2) The table tennis skills in the posttest of the experiment group were higher than the posttest of the control group at 0.05 level of significance. And (3) The program was evaluated by the students in the experiment group was at high agree (4.47+-1.53)

Conclusion: The results of the study suggest that both the control and experiment groups' post-intervention table tennis skills significantly improved, with the experiment group developing their skills more than the control group. Additionally, the experiment group's student assessments show a high degree of agreement regarding the program's efficacy. Thus, the developed teaching program by adding goal achievement had efficiency and effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Deng , S., Soachalerm , A. ., & Tasnaina, N. . (2024). Development of Teaching Program by Applying Target Goal Achievement to Enhance the Table Tennis Skills in Secondary School Students. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(4), 187–198.


