Effecting an Adaptive Learning System on Academic Achievement as Regulations for Measuring Pharmacist Qualifications to Licensure of Pharmaceutical Management Students





Effecting an Adaptive Learning System; , Academic Achievement; , Regulations for Measuring Pharmacist Qualifications as Licensure; , Pharmaceutical Management Students


Background and Aims: On March 15, 1994, China began implementing the qualification system for practicing pharmacists. Pharmaceutical management and regulations course is a compulsory course for students majoring in pharmacy. It is also one of the mandatory subjects for the licensed pharmacist qualification examination. The objective of this study is to (1) compare students' academic achievements before and after learning through an adaptive learning system. (2) To compare students' academic achievements after learning through an adaptive learning system with the criterion set at 70 percent. And (3) To assess the student's satisfaction with the adaptive learning system.

Methodology: This study used a cluster sampling method with 30 students as the sample. The research tools are: (1) Course lesson plan, (2) Academic achievements test paper, (3) Student satisfaction questionnaire. Conduct pre-test and post-test on the sample using academic performance papers, and analyze the mean, standard deviation, and single sample t-test of the data using SPSS.

Result: After using the adaptive learning system: (1) Students' academic achievements were significantly higher than before use, with a statistically significant difference of 0.05; (2) The student's academic achievements are above the 70% standard, and the difference is statistically significant at 0.05; and (3) Improved student satisfaction.

Conclusion: Through adaptive learning system classroom practice, learning efficiency has been improved and the personalized learning needs of students have been met. Helps to improve academic achievements among students and win their popularity.


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How to Cite

Zhao, . J., Juithong, S. ., & Nilnopkoon, P. . (2024). Effecting an Adaptive Learning System on Academic Achievement as Regulations for Measuring Pharmacist Qualifications to Licensure of Pharmaceutical Management Students. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(3), 573–582. https://doi.org/10.60027/ijsasr.2024.4357


