An Integrating of Blended Learning in College English Teaching Based on Tiktok Short Videos




Blended learning;, College English;, TikTok short videos


Background and Aim: Nowadays, information technology has been expected to be used in classrooms as teaching aids while the educational system continues to develop in China. This research aimed to explore a method of integrating blended learning into College English teaching based on TikTok short videos, investigate students’ performance, and determine students’ perception towards this teaching mode.

Methodology: A quasi-experiment was conducted in the research. The population was non-English major students from Anshan Normal University in Liaoning Province, China. The sample was two classes of students taught by the researcher. One class was a control group with 60 students taught with traditional face-to-face teaching. The other class was a treatment group with 55 students taught with blended learning based on TikTok short videos. Quantitative data was collected by performance pre-test and post-test to investigate the students’ language proficiency improvement. Qualitative data was collected by an open-ended questionnaire to explore the students’ perception of this teaching mode. SPSS and NVivo were employed to make an analysis and interpret the conclusion.

Results: After comparing the score improvement in the control group and treatment group by independent samples t-test, students’ listening, reading, and writing skills were improved in College English. After NVivo thematic analysis of the feedback from the open-ended questionnaire, students showed an active perception towards the teaching mode.

Conclusion: The findings of this research suggested that blended learning in College English teaching based on TikTok short videos could stimulate learning motivation and improve teaching effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Fei, X., & Li, C. (2024). An Integrating of Blended Learning in College English Teaching Based on Tiktok Short Videos. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(4), 313–326.


