Research on the Influence of CEO's Technical Background Characteristics on the Digital Transformation Effectiveness of Manufacturing Enterprises: Taking the Marketization Process as the Moderating Variable




CEO Technical Background Characteristics; , Manufacturing Enterprises; , Digital Transformation; , Marketization Process


Background and Aims: The digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises is a critical aspect of modern business dynamics, with CEOs playing a central role in navigating this evolution. This study investigates the influence of CEO technical background characteristics on the effectiveness of digital transformation within manufacturing enterprises, while also considering the mediating role of external environment perception and the moderating impact of marketization processes.

Methodology: Drawing on data from Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed manufacturing enterprises spanning 2016 to 2021, quantitative research methods are employed to analyze the relationship between CEO technical background characteristics and digital transformation outcomes.

Results: The findings highlight the significant impact of CEO technical backgrounds on digital transformation effectiveness, with external environment perception serving as a mediator in this relationship. Moreover, in regions characterized by high marketization processes, CEO technical backgrounds demonstrate a heightened influence on digital transformation outcomes.

Conclusion: This study contributes to the understanding of digital transformation dynamics in manufacturing enterprises and offers insights into strategic leadership and organizational change management practices.


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How to Cite

Gu, H. (2024). Research on the Influence of CEO’s Technical Background Characteristics on the Digital Transformation Effectiveness of Manufacturing Enterprises: Taking the Marketization Process as the Moderating Variable. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(4), 411–430.


