Development of An Instructional Leadership Capabilities Model for Music Teachers at Private Music Institutions in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China




Instructional Leadership Capabilities; , Music Teachers;, Music Institutions


Background and Aims: Instructional leadership practiced in music academia in recent years could also improve students' outcomes in music learning and increase music teachers' personal learning and teaching abilities. There were emerging private music institutions; Thus,  the study aimed to create a model of instructional leadership capabilities for music teachers at private music institutions in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China. The study employed a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Methodology: Three hundred sixty-two music teachers from 16 private music teaching institutions in Zhengzhou participated. Data were collected through questionnaires and a Model Validation form. Descriptive statistics, such as mean, frequency, percentage, and PNIModified, were used for data analysis.

Results: the research results, which are of utmost importance, indicated that the mean PNImodified value for Teachers' Instructional Leadership Capabilities was 0.409. Among the specific capabilities, the application of technology had the highest PNImodified value of 0.913, followed by determining (criteria) standards with a value of 0.640 and participation of relevant personnel with a value of 0.418. These three capabilities had average scores higher than the mean PNImodified value, indicating a significant difference between the desired and current levels of these capabilities. Therefore, improving and developing these capabilities should be prioritized, as they were identified as weaknesses. On the other hand, ensuring resource support had a PNImodified value of 0.50, monitoring student performance had a value of 0.230, adjusting instructional content had a value of 0.281, emphasizing professional development had a value of 0.373, and shaping a collaborative culture had a value of 0.366. These five capabilities had average scores lower than the mean PNImodified value, suggesting they were strengths. Therefore,

Conclusion: the study concluded that the three capabilities needing priority development were the application of technology, determining (criteria) standards, and participation of relevant personnel. A theoretical model of instructional leadership capabilities was developed based on the research objectives' findings. Experts further validated the model to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Wang, S., & Mhunpiew, N. (2024). Development of An Instructional Leadership Capabilities Model for Music Teachers at Private Music Institutions in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(4), 341–350.


