The Application of Mobile Blended Learning in Piano Instruction for Non-Piano Major Students at Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology


  • Xiaoyan Chen Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, China, and Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management Assumption University of Thailand, Thailand
  • Thanawan Phongsatha Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management Assumption University of Thailand, Thailand



Mobile Blended Learning; , Piano Performance; , Utaut Model;, Chaoxing Application; , Non-Piano Major Student


Background and Aim: The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of mobile blended learning (MBL) based on the Chaoxing application in the context of piano performance courses, particularly in enhancing the overall performance abilities of non-piano major students. The main objective is to determine the efficacy of MBL methods utilizing the Chaoxing application in improving the piano performance of non-piano major students and to investigate the students' perceptions of the mobile blended piano learning methods.

Materials and Methods: In this study, sixty non-piano major students from the Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology participated in an eight-week experiment of mobile blended piano learning. Using paired-sample t-tests, the student's academic performance before and after the eight weeks was evaluated in terms of piano performance accuracy, technique, integrity, expression, and difficulty. Following the assessment, all participants received a questionnaire regarding their perceptions of mobile blended piano learning.

Results: The result revealed that employing mobile blended piano learning based on the Chaoxing application significantly enhanced students' performance in piano accuracy, technique, integrity, expression, and difficulty. Additionally, quantitative analysis from a questionnaire survey using the UTAUT model revealed that students widely perceived the Chaoxing application as easy to use, conducive to improving learning efficiency and grades, and expressed a strong willingness to use MBL.

Conclusion: The findings of the study support existing research, indicating that mobile blended piano learning can significantly enhance the piano performance abilities of non-piano major students, with high acceptance among students.


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How to Cite

Chen, X. ., & Phongsatha, T. . (2024). The Application of Mobile Blended Learning in Piano Instruction for Non-Piano Major Students at Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(4), 471–486.


