The Current Status and Musical Characteristics of Xiatan Chuanfuqu Songs in an Anthropological Context




Chuanfuqu Songs;, Cultural Heritage; , Anthropological; , Preservation Strategies; , Community Engagement


Background and Aims: Xiatan Chuanfuqu songs represent a significant cultural heritage rooted in boatmen's laborious yet harmonious lives navigating the rivers of China's Sichuan and Chongqing regions. This anthropological study aims to explore the current status and musical characteristics of Xiatan Chuanfuqu songs in an anthropological context.

Materials and Methods: Comprises a comprehensive literature review, incorporating anthropological theories on music, cultural heritage preservation, and sociological analyses of folk music transmission. Qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews, ethnographic observations, and content analysis, were employed to gather rich data on the evolution of these songs, their cultural significance, and the challenges they face in contemporary society.

Results: Reveal the intricate musical elements, such as rhythmic patterns, vocal techniques, lyrical content, and melodic nuances, reflecting the boatmen's experiences, camaraderie, and challenges encountered on the rivers. Even though modernization has made younger people less interested and traditional singers are getting older, the study shows how important it is to use comprehensive preservation strategies and encourage community involvement to ensure that Xiatan Chuanfuqu songs are passed on and remain important as intangible cultural heritage.

Conclusion: Emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts among cultural institutions, local communities, and educational initiatives to safeguard and promote these unique musical traditions for future generations.


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How to Cite

Zhao, X., & Thotham, A. (2024). The Current Status and Musical Characteristics of Xiatan Chuanfuqu Songs in an Anthropological Context. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(4), 401–410.


