Assessing the English Language Needs and Challenges of Chinese Undergraduates in Thai Universities




Needs analysis;, EAP course; , Academic communication challenges; , Chinese undergraduates in Thailand; , English language skills


Background and Aim: Studying undergraduate in Thai universities is a popular option for Chinese students. International programs covering popular fields not only meet the goals of Chinese students but are also seen by Chinese students as the best way to harvest specialized knowledge and English ability because of the all-English teaching course. However, since the English language is the only communication medium for Chinese students, there are some difficulties and problems encountered by these students who are not English native speakers. Therefore, this study aims to explore the specific English language skills Chinese undergraduates need and the challenges they face in academic and everyday contexts in Thai universities.

Materials and Methods: Participants involved 80 Chinese undergraduates studying four-year international programs in Thai public universities with an IELTS overall score of 5. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we distributed a questionnaire based on a five-point Likert scale to all participants and conducted focus group interviews with 12 participants.

Results: Findings indicate a critical need to enhance writing and speaking for academic success, with an emphasis on specific-field terminology, and to improve listening and speaking skills for daily life communication. Besides, the lack of academic writing strategies and English communication in official institutions are the problems that undergraduates encounter in academic and daily contexts respectively.

Conclusion: The study underscores the urgent need for tailored EAP courses that address both academic and everyday English use, with a particular focus on writing with academic vocabularies and enhancing communicative competence in key scenarios like immigration processing.


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How to Cite

Chao, B. ., & Soontornnaruerangsee, W. . (2024). Assessing the English Language Needs and Challenges of Chinese Undergraduates in Thai Universities. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(5), 211–224.